Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ticket Reservation Data Template

What I do is not what ticket agents do. I just help my friends who have no card so they can’t buy online. I don’t make any commission what so ever. I just pure help them. I cannot guarantee that I can purchase all tickets you order for various connecting flights. In case I only can buy incomplete flight/flights that you want, you cannot demand me to be responsible about this. Upon purchased, any further complains need to go directly to the related aviation company. Once again, I just help in purchasing process. In this case, you must also agree that any risk of money lost due to my online ticket purchasing activity for you should be on your responsibility. But generally so far, most orders were successful.
Please provide this data for each flight:
Roundtrip or One way?
Flight number (if round trip, please specify depart flight and return flight number)
Date (if roundtrip, please specify Depart date and Return date)
From City (and time hh:mm) to City (and time hh:mm)
If round trip: From City (and time hh:mm) to City (and time:hhmm)
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Passport No
Passport Expire date
Passport Issuing Country
Baggage size
Insurance (yes/no?)
Meal (yes/no?) if yes what meal?
Your Address
Your Email
Your phone number
Others (please specify)
Total Cost for each flight: ………. (you can get this number when you do complete simulation [up to credit card number entry stage] on online ticket ordering)
Grand Total Cost: ……… (I need this number so that I can check my available balance.)

Selain itu, Anda harus setuju kalau membeli tiket online itu mengandung risiko (yang Anda harus bersedia menanggung semua risiko itu, meskipun saya yang membantu membayarkannya). Risiko itu antara lain:
  • tidak selalu berhasil. Kadang kita kena reject.
  • bisa jadi ingin beli dua tiket, hanya berhasil satu tiket
  • bisa jadi ingin beli dua tiket, yang satu sudah berhasil dipesan tapi tiket yang satunya lagi saat mau dipesan, harganya naik drastis. [dan setiap kenaikan harga dari harga yang kita lihat sebelumnya, akan saya konfirmasikan ke Anda sebelum saya berani untuk membelikannya.]
  • tiket yang mau kita beli, sewaktu-waktu harganya naik [ini pun akan saya konfirmasikan, sebelum saya membelinya]
  • ngisi formulirnya kadang merepotkan, terutama kalau harus diulang-ulang karena faktor ketidakberhasilan tadi
  • (dan risiko-risiko lain yang belum saya ketahui)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

AirAsia new Online Payment System, is it good?



AirAsia Online Ticket Payment System is better than before because it now includes AJAX system into it. We can do login in the middle of buying ticket process without destructing our previos data. Time to fill form may decrease. This is also benefited from our personal data saved in the server.

However, because AirAsia offers multi node flights, a customer often buy ticket more than one flights at a time! In this case, AirAsia Online Payment System is very bad. I will tell you, why it is bad then.

I and my friends often have a nigthmare experience regarding this, especially when buying tickets for other person. The bad experience is, for example, like this. Suppose my friend want me to buy 2 tickets. One ticket is from Taipei to Kualalumpur and another ticket is from Kualalumpur to Banda Aceh. In current AirAsia Online Payment System what we do is like this. First, we choose flight, select flight, check out, and buy with our card. If we succeed, then we get the ticket and go to buy another ticket. Next, we do the same thing for the ticket of our next flight. A system failure is like this: we only succeed in buying only one ticket! And this is real experience. I had experience on this and my friends also!

Why this is a frustating experience? When we succeed in buying the first ticket and fail to buy another, then we usually repeat the process (steps) of buying the fail ticket many times. And this requiring us to enter data into form. This may take our hours of time because we may try by using various browsers, such as chrome, firefox, and internet explorer expecting to succeed. So, when this case occurs, the system definitely wastes our time!

Why the system developer of AirAsia Online Ticket Payment System does not think like when we buy various items at a supermarket? When we want to buy three items, eg A, B and C, what we do is not go into the store, get item A, and exit via a casheer, pay it, and go out; and enter again to get item B, and exit via a casheer, and pay it, and go out; and enter again to get item C, and exit via a casheer, and pay it, and go out; and done. This is an extremely abnormal work flow to waste customer time and energy! And this is what AirAsia Online Ticket Payment System currently do with its online payment system. There will be unnecassary repetition of form filling (in the case of buying more than one ticket for other person), and there will be also much more work to do (and time to spend) in case of not succeeding in buying all of them.

Instead, what we normally do is: collect item A, item B, and item C, and exit via a casheer, and pay the total amount, and go out and done! If AirAsia want to become a normal Online Payment System, then it should do like this. For example, if I want to buy two tickets for different flights, then I should be able to first get ticket A, then get ticket B, then check out, then pay with card at once the total amount of the two tickets, then (not done or) done.

Or, further improvement may be like this: it is the fact that we can go from Taipei to Yogyakarta using two tickets of Airasia. To make our customer happy in buying via online method, Airasia can just simplify the process by providing this choice. We should be able to choose from “From” field, Taipei, and from “To” field, Yogyakarta; and submit, and ‘wow!’, we get the flights information options that can be chosen at once, and paid with card at once.

I am waiting for the improvement of AirAsia Online Ticket Payment System ! (writer: Nurkhamid)


[additional remarks:]

Current system may create half success of for a customer (and thus unsafe feeling for her). For example, a customer want to fly from Taipei to Yogyakarta. She must buy two tickets: one from Taipei to Kualalumpur, another one from Kualalumpur to Yogyakarta. When she buy the tickets via current online system, she may experience one of these four possibilities: (1) 100% success, if she got two tickets, (2) / (3) 50% success if she got either TPE-KUL ticket or KUL-JOG ticket, (4) 100% unsuccess, if she both fails from getting both tickets.  When a customer experiences case #(2) OR #(3), the ticket bought will be of no use, because her final destination is Yogyakarta.

In the eye of a customer, a system with this behavior is not good. A customer only need fewer possibilities: (1) 100% success, or (2) 100% failure.  If case (1) occurs, she will fly with AirAsia, and if case (2) occurs, she will try alternative route from other flight companies. And once again this will be possible if the company is willing to change the flow of its current online ticket buying system as I suggest above.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Access Restricted by netSAFE Indosat


This message is funny because I got the message from opening a normal site containing no pornographic contents. The site is a weblog for an important national product. The product is extra virgin coconut oil product, Healthy Co.

It is good for Indosat to block sites that are dangerous for our young generation. But the side effect that the blocking mechanism also block good and useful sites makes this kind of access restriction a somewhat disadvantage.

How to open site that is banned by Indosat with its netSAFE product? One way is by using anonymous browsing services, such as, like this:

You may find many anonymous browsing services by Google-ing.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Power of Procrastinating

Everybody knows that procrastination is bad thing. This habit makes people unsuccessful in obtaining their dreams. It makes people even more stressfull, feel unlucky and noot good.

How about procrastinating by design? We purposefully procrastinate in order to get more insight about a problem. It is a litte bit similar to delay. Deciding something too hurry is often a mistake also. Wrong decision may arise from this.

Our natural inclination also likes to procrastinate. So that is why we sometime need to program ourself to procrastinate purposefully. Procrastinating itself, I think, is neutral. But the effects coming from this that make us unhappy. When we dare to accept all consequences arising from our intended procrastination, we will no longer regard procrastination as our enemy but instead we will regard it as our best friend in making ourselves become more relaxed, enjoying life, and respecting our nature as it is.

We need not to blame on procrastination. Correct view of procrastination may beneficial for us. Procrastination may emit creativity, innovation, and great thinking never previously thought by existing human beings to date.

So, enjoy your life and happy procrastinating!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Management of Ringback tone of Emome Chunghwa Telecom Mobile, Taiwan

I was unintentionally subscribed to ringback tone in my mobile number. I realized this when I unintentionally called my own number. I heard a Chinese Mandarin Song. That was why my credit decrease time by time although I did not use my phone.

Realizing this, I tried to contact Chunghua. I went to its website and I found a contact form there.

After filling the form and submitting it, within 24 hours I got a reply like this:

Dear Subscriber:
Thank you for your inquiry.
To unsubscribe ringback tone service, you can dial 700 on your mobile phone, follow the voice instructions. (for English,please press 9) It charges by the second, intra-net rate.
Or you can dial 0800-080-090 (or dial 800 directly from your handset)for customer service to unsubscribe it. Thank you!
Best Regard ,
Customer care department.
Chunghwa Telecom
Mobile business group

I called 700 and did as instructed and now I am unsubscribed to ringtone.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Windows Mobile 6.1، Synchronization cannot be completed successfully

When I connect my pocket pc smartphone, I got this error message “Synchronization cannot be completed successfully”. I also cannot install any new software with this error message: “ Installation of [your product] was unsuccessful".

Searching Google on the topic for a while, I cannot find any clue about how to solve these problems. But later, I got an idea. I’ve already got backup of my system and data using SPB Backup. This is my capital!

What I did is as follows:

  1. I hard resetted my handset. First, I thought that resetting my system was by pressing a knob inside near the battery. But I only got soft reset. Later I know that the facility is available from menu Start>>Settings>>System>>Master Clear. The handset asked me to enter PIN: 1234 and press the button. And done! After restarting, I got a new (factory default) system, and all my installed software was gone. But I was happy, I still had a backup.
  2. So I restored my system with SPB Backup.
  3. I’ve missed only 3 installed software, but I can install them manually. The most important thing, my other installed software restored.
  4. And another most important thing is that now my WM 6.1 handheld can synchronize and can be installed with new software.

洪正鈞. 台灣.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sleeping disturbance because of drinking a cup of coffee

It is not good to drink coffee at night. You may get sleeping disturbance during the night all night until the next morning.  It is recommended not to drink coffee in the evening, but in the morning is ok.

What I’ve just experienced today is exactly what I’ve written. At about 8pm, I made a cup of coffee. I went to sleep at 1:30am. But I could not sleep. I had been in bed for about nearly 2 hours and then I got up turning the computer on again.

Now 5am, I write this blog.

I’ve tried to do relaxation but I failed. I yawned for about 5 times, but I failed to sleep.

The day before, I slept in the morning after fajar prayer until about 11am. I slept for about 8 hours.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Vegetable and Egg Fried Rice from 7 Select (7 eleven convenient store, Taiwan) with Halal Ingredients?


Yes, it seems that the ingredients are Halal. I’ve asked my Taiwanese friend (Sue) to type the ingredients. They are:

    白飯  rice
    雞蛋  eggs
    植物油 vegetable oil
    高麗菜 Cabbage
    紅蘿蔔 Carrot
    青蔥 Scallion
    毛豆仁 Soybean during
    洋蔥 onion
    調味料 Seasoning

I’ve also asked my learning-chinese friend from Indonesia (Sheshe), she said the ingredients are:

    nasi, minyak sayur, telur, wortel, kacang polong, kol, bawang merah, bawang bombay, penyedap rasa
    ini nasii goreng vege kok pak, jadi aman hehehe...


So it seems that from the ingredient list, it is halal food.

From this info, Muslim (students) living in Taiwan have another choice for their eating menu. This fried rice packate price in Seven Eleven (7 eleven) convenient store here in Chungli (back gate street of National Central University) is 28 NTD.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to upload and share big files with

If we want to send file using email such as gmail and yahoo, we get maximum file limit to 25MB. If we want to send big files, we can use alternative way such as file sharing services. One system is IFILE dot IT.

Use following steps:

First, open the web:

You will find the above page. Click "select files" button. You will see like this:

Choose a file you want to share, then click "Open" button. You will see something like this:

Please click "upload files" button.
You will see:

Click text field to the right of "short link", then the link like
will be selected (highlighted). Copy the highlighted link with right click and copy or with CTRL+C keyboard combination.

You can also use full link text field, like:

Either link is ok for sharing purposes.

After you get the link (either short or full), include (Paste) the link to your email message. Then when your friend get your email, he/she will be able to download the file using the link you've given.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Right keyboard is broken (doesn’t work), how to “replace” it using software?

My another laptop has another broken keyboard for right. Therefore I cannot manouver my text to the right.

How to overcome this using software? I now can do this using Autohotkey. Just download the software. If you cannot find the URL, just ask Miss Google by yourself. After that, add this line to your autohotkey script. Detailed instruction on how to do this, I will not give it to you, I left it for you as an exercise. Just add this line to your *.ahk script, and activate your autohotkey and the script, and then you will have a keyboard combination to replace right movement.

In my case I use “win left” combination. So if I want to move my cursor to the right, then I just press both “Window” and “left”.

One line script to add is:


In this case, my Left keyboard is still functional. # is a symbol for “Window” keyboard, a key with Window logo/icon.

My code above reads as a combination of window and left keys equal to right key.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

About PPI Taiwan (declared on May 2, 2010 at CYCU, Zhongli/Chungli/Jhongli City, Taouyan County, Taiwan, ROC

PPI Taiwan stands for Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Taiwan (the Association of Indonesian Students in Taiwan; Google Translate in Chinese: 印尼在台灣同學會 ). The organization was declared on May 2, 2010 at Hollistic Hall, CYCU, Zhongli (Chungli / Jhongli) City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, ROC.
The association has its authorized website created a week before the declaration. The authorized website of PPI Taiwan is still in its beginning of development. It will be improved both in contents and design by recruiting talented heads among its members. Organization of PPI Taiwan will become gluing organization for facilitating constructive cooperation among students on behalf of especially further development and progress of Indonesia and in general world prosperity and peace. The organization does not eliminate and negate the functioning and growth of existing organizations, such as FORMMIT, IPIT, FOSMIT, FOKWIT, etc., available in Taiwan, but it will cooperate in mutual benefit among them.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Webmail Interfaces: Why Google is always better than Yahoo! up to now?

As a many year user of webmail interfaces of many email providers, I compare two among big free mail providers, Google Mail and Yahoo Mail.

As of this writing, I still prefer and give highest grade to Google compared to Yahoo because of many reasons. These are the reasons:

  1. I can easily search or check unread mail in my Inbox, either by using basic search interface or advanced search interface. You cannot do this in Yahoo. As a user of email, this feature is very important. Not every unread emails need to be opened and read. Most often, by seeng the subject I can decide what to do next with the email. Mostly I just need to check/mark these emails fast (in one click) and with checked mails I can do the next action: either trash/delete or archive them.
  2. I can label each of my email based on my need. Each mail can be given more than one labels. In Yahoo, you cannot do this, you only can move email to different folder.
  3. Google archiving facility make our inbox free of unneeded and distracting old emails. Mail archiving idea with one button is the original idea of webmail interface invented by Google. Later, I found Microsoft (hotmail) also adopt this but the interface is not as good as Google’s.
  4. You can pop your free google emails and you cannot do this in free yahoo email.
  5. Google undo facility. Each of my last action in Google mail can be undone (just in one click). Yahoo doesn’t have this.

But why I still use Yahoo? This is because my friends still use them for Chatting.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Nine Factors to Catch Attention of Our Audience when We Speak in Public


  1. Activity: This is the most basic and primitive way to catch attention. People tend to be attracted by movement, baby also does.
  2. Reality: True (real life) story is good ingredient to share a part of your deeper feeling.
  3. Proximity: Nearby. Newer story gets more attention than the older ones. Nearer story in place also does.
  4. Familiarity: ideas, concepts already known. This is in line with a rule stating that good way to tell a story is from known to unknown, from general to specialized.
  5. Conflict: disagreement, fighting, war
  6. Suspense: feeling of uncertainty that the audience has; punch line
  7. Novelty: strange, weird, never heard before, unusual
  8. Humor: being funny. Not goot for the beginning of a story.
  9. the Vital: vital needs: success, money, love.

If you are Muslim then You need to be careful on these Chinese Characters

The first is … 豬油 …    which is lard, or pig oil, or lemak babi or minyak babi. This kind of material is frequently used in Taiwan for food ingridient. So if you buy something fried you need to see the ingridient whether it contains these characters or not.

The romanization of the characters is Zhū yóu

traditional and simplified both have the same symbols

next is 豬肉   .

Zhū ròu

pork or daging babi.

If you are Muslim, then please always be careful before you buy cooked food from convenient stores or supermarkets.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An insurance homepage: America Life Quotes

Today I visited an insurance homepage from the USA, called America Life Quotes. This web is simply designed using static measurements. If your screen resolution is high enough (typical for current desktops and laptops), you will find the web presented with two blanks in the left and right side.

Functionally, it gives complete description on insurance and its related services. On the right side, you may find an interactive form simulating your insurance objectives. However, personally I like the page, but I think, the footer need to add information about address and contact methods, eg via phone or email, although a contact link is already provided. Remember, a person usually reluctant to click more. They usually only need one click and the important information provided.

The image on the left describe a happy family due to this insurance company. Here is the direct link of the insurance image banner.