Monday, June 14, 2010

Vegetable and Egg Fried Rice from 7 Select (7 eleven convenient store, Taiwan) with Halal Ingredients?


Yes, it seems that the ingredients are Halal. I’ve asked my Taiwanese friend (Sue) to type the ingredients. They are:

    白飯  rice
    雞蛋  eggs
    植物油 vegetable oil
    高麗菜 Cabbage
    紅蘿蔔 Carrot
    青蔥 Scallion
    毛豆仁 Soybean during
    洋蔥 onion
    調味料 Seasoning

I’ve also asked my learning-chinese friend from Indonesia (Sheshe), she said the ingredients are:

    nasi, minyak sayur, telur, wortel, kacang polong, kol, bawang merah, bawang bombay, penyedap rasa
    ini nasii goreng vege kok pak, jadi aman hehehe...


So it seems that from the ingredient list, it is halal food.

From this info, Muslim (students) living in Taiwan have another choice for their eating menu. This fried rice packate price in Seven Eleven (7 eleven) convenient store here in Chungli (back gate street of National Central University) is 28 NTD.

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