Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nasrullah SpiritualPReneurship training: very inspiring and motivating

Yesterday, I invested full day of my time to attend a training. The training was about spiritual entrepreneurship. The venue was at Karita second floor, Jl. C. Simanjuntak, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The seminar was in Bahasa Indonesia. [Actually it was not a training, it was a seminar session. Training session is given separately with the investment of about 2 million rupiah in two days.]

Nasrullah, the trainer in the program presented his skill and expertise in building wealth spiritually. He completely explained basic principles in spiritualPreneurship from outer layers to inner layers.

Outer layers (that can be perceived physically) include Nasib (Destiny), Karakter (character), Kebiasaan (Habit), and Tindakan (Action). Inner layers include Pikiran (Thinking), Perasaan (Feeling), and Motivasi (Motivation).

Still very young in age, Nasrulah, the owner of Orchid Realty and SpiritualPreneurship brands, also showed the secret behind Islamic Financial Freedom in the end part of the seminar.

In sum, the seminar is a quite inspiring and motivating seminar. It is very worth attending. The seminar about spiritualpreneurship is very powerful. The investment (200000 rupiah per participant) is far less amount compared to the big secret that you get.

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